
Tailored for the success of each student

Students see an increase of 18+% from their Pre-assessment to Post-assessment when they complete at least 20 hours of tutoring.

The StudentNest
Tutoring Platform

StudentNest’s learning platform has helped over 500,000 K-12 students achieve greater academic success. Used by over 450 school districts and providing more than 10 million hours of tutoring, StudentNest is a proven platform for improving the academic performance of students all over the world.

Powering 1:1 Interactions

Everyone agrees there is no substitute for one-on-one student tutoring. A tutor focuses on just one child during a session. When the child gets the complete attention of the tutor, it is bound to make a huge
difference. It produces and immediate and lasting impact on the student’s academic performance.

By utilizing present day Internet technologies, StudentNest replicates the real world personal tutoring scenario online. The tutor and the student have two-way audio conversation using a hands-free headset with microphone, hooked up to their respective computers. They share the same electronic whiteboard, and exchange questions and answers in writing, which are displayed on both their computer screens. Though they are not physically sitting face to face, a real time one-to-one environment is created, making personal tutoring affordable for all children.

Our Tutoring Technology

We continue to implement the latest technology into the StudentNest learning platform. Our tutoring solution is platform and browser independent and simply requires an Internet connection.


Our virtual whiteboard lets students visualize the reasoning behind solutions.

Text Chat

Students can chat with tutors using our platform’s messaging feature.


Tutors and students can discuss problems in live conversations, replicating the in-class experience.

Session Recording

Recorded sessions let students review discussions on curriculum material anytime.

Tutoring Expertise

Our tutors are professionals who possess extensive knowledge in the subject matter. They have a life-long commitment to helping students be the best they can be. We specialize in tutoring students in K to 12th grade. We integrate in our tutoring the academic standards approved by each state to develop the student’s learning plan (SLP). This ensures we are delivering the maximum benefit to the student’s academic development.

Let Your Student
Soar With Us

Start Soaring with Us Today!